The Seven Archangels
As you may have noticed, heaven is very organized, and it won't surprise you to know that heavenly beings all have a specific job to do. Each archangel serves on a certain ray (aspect of God). They also have spiritual retreats or homes in the etheric realm (heaven-world) above certain powerful places on earth. Here's a summary of the seven. To learn more about an archangel, click on his name.Archangel Michael
is the captain of all the angels and archangels. He serves on God's blue ray which is the ray of protection. You can ask him for both physical and spiritual protection. This includes protection from accidents, crime, psychic aggression and even demons.
Archangel Jophiel
serves on the yellow ray of illumination. Why not ask him to help you absorb information when you are studying and when you need wisdom?
Archangel Chamuel
serves on the pink ray of spiritual love. Ask him to help you resolve relationship problems, find a job... and also to locate a lost object! So you could ask him to tell you where your keys are when you are rushing for work.
Archangel Gabriel
is probably the most well known. Christians teach that he told Mary she would give birth to the baby Jesus and Muslims believe he dictated the Qu'ran to Mohamed. He serves on the white ray of purity. Ask him to help you establish discipline and order in your life.
Archangel Raphael
serves on the green ray of divine healing. Ask him for the healing of your body, mind soul and spirit. He is also helpful when you need to have your physical needs met such as food, clothing, shelter and tools of your trade.
Archangel Uriel
serves on the ray of peace. This ray is purple and gold flecked with ruby. Next time you are having a disagreement with someone why not ask him for help in creating a peaceful resolution?
Archangel Zadkiel
serves on the violet ray of forgiveness. Ask him to help you if you are having a problem with this, and also with tolerance and diplomacy. He will help you bring joy back to your life if you ask him.